Feeling Negative? Check Out This New Film Photography Blog!

OK, so this thing has been in the works for many months now. I'm pleased to announce the launch of a new blog aimed at film photographersFEELINGNEGATIVE.COM

As many of you know, I've been heavy into film photography for the last few years. I post a few film-related things here on Epic Edits from time to time, but I never felt really comfortable pushing a ton of it because we have a mixed audience.

This new blog will give me a chance to write about film photography uninhibited. And the best part of this new blog… I'm not doing it alone. My good friend Tomas Webb will be joining me as an equal partner/mastermind. We've been brewing ideas and organizing this thing for several months and I'm confident that we'll be able to provide outstanding content in this particular niche of photography.


I assure you, we have a bunch of great topics and themes that we'll be talking about over there. The site is organized into five main sections: Camera Bag, Darkroom, Digital Darkside, Community, and Other Stuff. Each main category has several sub-categories yet to be announced, and they'll roll out as we publish more articles. At launch, we have one article per main category to get you started.

In the first few weeks, we'll also be talking about the various ways you can get involved with the new website. One of our main goals is to create a thriving community of film enthusiasts, and we'll have plenty of ways for you to get in there and take part. Right now, you can join the Feeling Negative Flickr Group and contribute photos that will be exhibited on the site.

You might also notice that the site design is somewhat mild… we'll work on that eventually. Our thought was to get the content rolling and focus on the frilly stuff later.


This one is pretty simple: anybody that is already or wants to be involved with film photography. That includes everyone from beginners with a small interest, way out to the seasoned pros with tons of experience.

For the beginners, we'll be covering the basics of shooting, developing, printing, scanning, etc. For the ol' timers, we'll be digging into alternative techniques, various pieces of equipment and film stocks, DIY stuff, and new ways of working with an old process. I'm hoping we can keep a wide variety of photographers engaged in the discussion.


I don't want to run on for too long about this thing, so get over there and check it out. I would encourage anybody interested in film photography to give it a chance and watch how it “develops” over the next few weeks and months. We have a lot of stuff to talk about over there and it's going to take some time to get everything up and running.

Again, if you have any inclination toward film photography whatsoever, please check out the site and/or subscribe to the RSS feed:



What do you guys think? Is this a good idea worth the effort, or are we just wasting our time in a diminishing medium?

Also feel free to leave any comments, questions, concerns, etc, right here on this post. And have no fear, Epic Edits will continue on as it always has.