Birthday Gift #3 – Three Analog Prints
These are NOT the prints I'm offering, the photo above is just for illustration purposes. Winners of the raffle get to pick ANY photo of mine to be printed.
So… I've been wasting spending a lot of time in the darkroom over the last few months, and I think it's appropriate that I offer up some prints for a birthday present. Here's the deal — I'll give out three 8×10 black and white prints, the winners get to choose the photo… any photo. These aren't pre-printed, so I'll make the prints once I pick the winners and they choose the photo they'd like. And the catch? Well, the prints won't be signed and they're printed on resin coated paper rather than fiber paper.
What's all that mean? They're basically just decoration photos — they're not worth much from a collector standpoint. I've already decided that I won't sign anything but fiber paper. It doesn't mean that the prints won't look good or last quite a while. It just means that they're not signed, limited, and guaranteed to last longer than you. So if you're up for a free decoration print, feel free to browse my stuff on Flickr:
Take your pick, anything goes… except for photos of my family and stuff. The b/w photos will look pretty close to what you see on Flickr. The green xpro photos tend to turn out pretty cool too — really high contrast. I didn't include regular color film in the links because it doesn't turn out well when printed in b/w.
Just leave a comment on this post and let me know you'd like a print of your choice. Worldwide raffle entries are welcome. I'll choose the three random winners in one week from this post date.
And I'd appreciate hearing from you which print you might like to have. This type of feedback is useful to me so I can better understand what people are interested in. And if you're looking for a signed limited print… I just might offer up one of those in another post… who knows?
February 3, 2009Wow, count me in Brian. Though I’d have to rebrowse your Flickr site for a while again to make the appropriate choice 😀
Limited one day would be awesome too!
February 3, 2009I’d love to have a copy of your Santa Fe Station photograph. Either that or the Cruisers shot. Both are so very typical of San Diego.
Andrew Ferguson
February 3, 2009I’d have to re-browse as well to find the one I’d want, but I’d love a print.
Phill Price
February 3, 2009Hi Brian;
My favourite of the bunch is this one that would be my choice; should I be lucky enough to win!
Hope you’re well now you’re sites back and that this doesn’t crash it with traffic!
February 3, 2009I would love to enter this contest! thanks
jerry deese
February 3, 2009Enter me. I had a couple of pretty awesome B&W ones picked out (you know me and B&W), until I ran across this one:
I must have it. If for nothing else, to torture Mr. Villarin with….. muahahaha
Iris Hicks
February 3, 2009I live in San Diego so I feel in love with your Urban Tree. I’ve tried my own version of it and didn’t come close to your exquisite rendition.
Brian Auer
February 3, 2009Nice Jerry… of course, I could try doing a b/w of this one too:
February 3, 2009Hey, if the offer is available for Romania i would like one too 🙂
jerry deese
February 3, 2009mmm, I do love that one as well. He does make for the best model, eh?
ANd of course I would need that one in B&W. I have plans you know (did someone say Bryan Villarin coloring book???)
Brian Auer
February 3, 2009You’re sick, man.
jerry deese
February 3, 2009You’re sick, man.
Bryan Villarin
February 3, 2009I’m glad I can be poked fun at… 🙂
jerry deese
February 3, 2009poked fun at? this is all love, man, all love!
Brian Auer
February 3, 2009I agree with Jerry. Heck Bryan, I’ll make you a print just for being a good sport. And I’m sure Jerry would send you a copy of the coloring book too.
jerry deese
February 3, 2009Would he want his copy before or after I let my kids color in it? 🙂
February 3, 2009I’d love to be entered for a print!
D. Travis North
February 3, 2009Oh man…count me in. Though I may have trouble deciding. Right now, thinking my first choice would be ‘The Capital of the World’.
February 3, 2009This is the gift I’ve been waiting for….
Bryan Villarin
February 3, 2009@Brian: Thanks, that’d be really cool! I don’t mind the non-negative attention.
Bryan Villarin
February 3, 2009P.S. I hope you’re counting me in! Then I’d have two of your prints in my office. (I still have to get your other one framed, dangit.)
Michael W. Gray
February 3, 2009Count me in for a chance to get a print. Slowly trying to fill my walls with pictures other than my own. Canb’t inspired myself you know!
Brian Auer
February 3, 2009@UK Money Saving — just remember that these are black and white prints, and most of the lighter tones in the xpro film will turn completely white. Here’s a good example of a photo with similar colors:
@Bryan — Yup, still counting you in for the raffle. You’ll have to come down and hit the darkroom with me if you want the freebie though!
Daniel Yee
February 3, 2009And I thought the flickr pro account was a pretty cool raffle. One of your prints would look awesome in my living room with the other prints I have.
Count me in!
February 3, 2009I’m game! And heck, if I win, I’ll send you a print of one of mine. Really, no, that’s not a bribe. Honest. 😀
Raquel S.
February 3, 2009I’d be interested! I tried to check this out earlier but had problems getting through.
Beau Harbin
February 3, 2009I would love to win a print. What a great idea.
February 3, 2009Hey Brian,
I’m interested. I’m a bike nut so I’d go for this print.
Damien Franco
February 3, 2009Hey Brian,
I’d love some prints of your work. We’re moving into a new house at the end of the month and I could sure use some prints for the walls.
I’m just saying…
Mike Reys
February 4, 2009Looks like a great gift. As many others, I’d have to go through the flickr stream again, but I’d consider that as a sort of a gift as well 😉
Suzanne O.
February 4, 2009I’d love a copy of Good Ol’ San Diego. I live in the midwest now, but I’m from San Diego.
Andrew L
February 4, 2009I would love a print. Living in Spain near the mountains makes me miss HB. I’ll have to pick out my favorite.
Mike Nalley
February 4, 2009I would like a print, resin or not, it is still an original. I would be happy to own one.
Lynn Creamer
February 4, 2009I would love a print, Brian. Thank you for your generosity!
February 4, 2009It’ll be a tough decision but please include me in the raffle.
February 4, 2009Love to win!
February 4, 2009Count me in! I love prints!
Jordan Boesch - Blessed Road Photography
February 4, 2009I’d love a print! My pick would be this one:
Your beach pictures are always my favorite!
J. McConnell
February 4, 2009Please include me as well, thanks!
Scott Coulter
February 4, 2009Haven’t chosen one yet, but would love to be entered. As I’ve already commented at flickr, I’m blown away by how some of those xpro shots come out in B&W prints.
Aaron Gonzales
February 5, 2009i’ve followed your work for quite some time now and I’d love to have a print of yours – I have an aversion to hanging my own photos in the house, so it’s still a bit bare. 🙂
February 5, 2009i would love to display your prints in my home…
Udi Tirosh
February 5, 2009I’m a big fan. I’d love to get a print. living room #1 spot.
February 6, 2009Thanks for everything you do Brian. If I won I’d probably pick one of your shots from up at the glider port, I used to walk out there to look at the ocean during my time at UCSD and I go back every time I’m down there visiting.
February 8, 2009I’m in! Love your print work, Brian.
February 9, 2009Count me in. I love your Metal and Glass picture.
February 12, 2009Brian, you know I love b&w photos, and you’ve got so many amazing b&w pics that I had a very hard time choosing my favourite. I finally narrowed them down to these five. If I do end up being one of the winners (I doubt though, I very rarely win anything in such contests), please make a decision for me 🙂
– What Lies Beyond
– Mechanical Sunrise
– Metal and Glass
– The Curious Stare
– Cheetah Zen
I also like very much some of your family photos, but I know I can’t pick those 😉
Happy Birthday!!!
Brian Auer
February 16, 2009OK, this one is officially over! I’ll be announcing the winners soon.