December Challenge: Day 31 – Yesenia Barbosa

Yesenia is a friend of Candice's, and they work together on a regular basis. She came over with her husband, Francisco, on New Year's Eve to hang out and celebrate with us. Yesenia is also going to school at a local community college, and Francisco is in the Marines. Unfortunately, they'll be moving in the near future because of a relocation with the Marines — and they don't even know where they're going yet! It's too bad because her and Candice really get along well.
To see the rest of my December Challenge photos, check the “Challenge” category here on the blog or visit my Flickr Set.
Trevor Carpenter
January 2, 2008Nice final shot!
Bryan, you did a great job on this Challenge.
Brian Auer
January 2, 2008Thanks Trevor! It’s been a great personal project, and I’ve learned a lot over the last month.