87 Great Photography Blogs and Feeds

OK, so this may be a bit overkill, but I wanted to share with you some of my photography feeds that I try to keep up with. I'm subscribed to a little over 200 feeds, and just over half of those are about photography.
Below are 87 of the photography blogs I follow, though some more closely than others. So if you're looking for more reading material, I'm sure you can find one or two in this list that suit your needs. I tried categorizing everything, but there are several blogs that cover many topics and I was having a hard time coming up with concise categories. So basically, you'll have to dig around. The blogs I find more interesting are near the top of the list, but it's not an exact ranking of favoritism.
If you're new to feed reading and the world of RSS, take a look at the Problogger's explanation of RSS technology. And before you hit this list, DON'T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE TO MY FEED if you haven't already.
You can also see all of the feeds I subscribe to via my Google Reader shared items for my “Photography” and “Photos” folders (thanks for the idea Bryan). And also many thanks to Alick for putting together an OPML file for those in the list.
- digtal Photography School — (RSS)
- JMG-Galleries — (RSS)
- Photocritic — (RSS)
- 365 Portraits — (RSS)
- Strobist — (RSS)
- Kwerfeldein — (RSS)
- Joseph Szymanski — (RSS)
- File Magazine — (RSS)
- PhotographyVoter — (RSS)
- Photopreneur — (RSS)
- The Daily Critique — (RSS)
- Catchy Colors Photoblog — (RSS)
- photodoto — (RSS)
- daily dose of imagery — (RSS)
- NYCgraphix Blog Photo — (RSS)
- Photoshop User TV — (RSS)
- DIYPhotography.net — (RSS)
- Earthbound Light — (RSS)
- Earth Shots — (RSS)
- fotohacker — (RSS)
- Digital Shot — (RSS)
- DSLRBlog — (RSS)
- goldengod — (RSS)
- Neil Creek – Photographer — (RSS)
- Words: Irrational — (RSS)
- Alphatracks — (RSS)
- MAKE: Imaging Blog — (RSS)
- outafocus — (RSS)
- Stuck In Customs — (RSS)
- A Walk Through Durham Township — (RSS)
- Photography Tip — (RSS)
- Tips From the Top Floor — (RSS)
- Planet Photoshop — (RSS)
- Chase Jarvis Blog — (RSS)
- Beyond the Obvious — (RSS)
- Rick Wezenaar Photography — (RSS)
- Motivation — (RSS)
- LeggNet's Digital Capture — (RSS)
- Digital Photography Blogs — (RSS)
- Photojojo — (RSS)
- Absolutely Nothing — (RSS)
- Words in Images — (RSS)
- About Photography — (RSS)
- Photowalking.org — (RSS)
- photonovice.net — (RSS)
- Single-Serving Photo — (RSS)
- Assignment Construct — (RSS)
- San Miguel Photo of the Day — (RSS)
- F/1.0 — (RSS)
- RDD Photo — (RSS)
- Current Photo Contests — (RSS)
- xlt's photo blog — (RSS)
- Photoshop Insider — (RSS)
- Photo Business News & Forum — (RSS)
- kebrunella — (RSS)
- Camera Porn — (RSS)
- Paddling with a Camera — (RSS)
- PopPhoto Flash — (RSS)
- Flak Photo — (RSS)
- A Visual Treat — (RSS)
- Light and Shadow — (RSS)
- Dan Heller's Photography Business Blog — (RSS)
- Photoshop Support — (RSS)
- Autofocused — (RSS)
- Rickmann Design Photography — (RSS)
- The Work of Daniel Hellerman — (RSS)
- Thomas Hawk's Digital Connection — (RSS)
- Taking Pictures — (RSS)
- Sharing My Light — (RSS)
- Brian Larter — (RSS)
- Hey Girl, Nice Shot — (RSS)
- Schauplatz — (RSS)
- LiBeCo.nl — (RSS)
- Jeff's Photo Gallery — (RSS)
- eclectic — (RSS)
- John Nack on Adobe — (RSS)
- Rob Galbraith DPI — (RSS)
- Found Photography — (RSS)
- mannedspace — (RSS)
- The Online Photographer — (RSS)
- My Camera World — (RSS)
- Phill Price — (RSS)
- Changing Perspectives — (RSS)
- Complete Digital Photography — (RSS)
- Itsy-Bitsy Photo Blog — (RSS)
- Pengkuei Ben Huang — (RSS)
- Thalia's Musings — (RSS)
UPDATE: I knew this would happen — I forgot one two. Lau reminded me that her site wasn't in the list, and it IS in my feed reader; has been for some time now. Then Chris mentioned his being missing too. So here's the 87th +1 and +2 on the list.
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Aggie Villanueva
April 27, 2009Hi Brian. I already have published the archives. Here’s a direct link: https://www.visualartsjunction.com/?page_id=324
That is a fabulous Idea you gave me about adding a description of each link. I haven’t had time, but I have an associate who may be willing to work on it now and again until it’s complete.
Please feel free to copy any of the links you find for your own use (I’m speaking to anyone who reads this too). I am a firm believer that we are all in this together. I don’t appreciate any of that competitive spirit. I’m not talking about disregarding copyrights. I’m also a firm believer in protecting copyrights.
What I speak about is the sharing of information between us all. The internet community is becoming more and more a true and tight knit community. I want to be part of the ones who are here to help each other be our best.
Have the best day ever. And thankx again for the idea.
jessica valitine
April 30, 2009Great list, simply great. One of my favorite Chicago photographers should be listing though… 🙂
Check out his site. href=”https://www.photorexit.com”>Photorexit Photography
Tkaniny Obiciowe
May 7, 2009Daily dose of imagery is amazing. Every time I see a new pic it just makes my day. Highly recommended.
May 14, 2009This is a great site too! amazing photos. especially the Mike Brodie ones! they will blow you away
okinawa living
May 16, 2009Great list!
May 19, 2009Great list, thanks for sharing. Also check out http://www.grahamsmithphotography.com
May 21, 2009Wow talk about cutting out the research and getting right into the good stuff. Great work.
I invite anyone interested to visit https://photographicartworld.com
May 26, 2009This is outrageous!!! There is one blog missing – . 😉
June 12, 2009Crazy list! A lot of really inspirational sites there! Thank you!
In the wedding category (there’s so many.. but) Hyperfocus is a good one to check out. They have a unique style. Good place to stop by for some ideas or inspiration: https://www.hyperfocus.ca/blogv2/ They’re doing some cool things in the industry.
June 26, 2009Check out photographer’s Stacey Millett blog. http://www.staceymillettphotography.blogspot.com
Millett is a food, lifestyle, portrait and wedding photographer. Quite and eye on that girl!!
William Sipe
July 11, 2009I really like your website. It is full of content and very interesting links. Please check out my website if you get a chance at http://www.pro-photoshots.com. Thank you.
July 13, 2009I am a professional photographer and would like you all to check out my newest blog site at https://digimmortalphoto.blogspot.com/ and let me know what you think! Thanks!!
Jim Casper
July 14, 2009Please check out Lens Culture international online magazine about contemporary photography:
And the blog:
And twitter:
Thanks! Great list.
July 26, 2009wow 200, how do you even have time to get any work done?
Mark Curran
July 31, 2009Great list, thanks so much, it will take me a while to go through them all though!
One more for consideration would be
Matt Bamberg
August 2, 2009Great site! I favorited many!
–Matt Bamberg, author https://www.amazon.com/Quick-Secrets-Create-Winning-Photographs/dp/1598639021
August 11, 2009Amazing list. Thank you for taking the time to put this together.
There is so much to look at, I don’t know where to start. =)
Love this quote I saw today about photography – if you are a photographer, you might too:
Kenneth Dreyer
September 23, 2009Hi there,
Great list you have. I’m in the process of setting up a photography blog myself. Is there any chance you could add my blog to your list?
My site can be found here:
We have about 40 unpublished articles ready to be rolled out, so I can assure you this blog won’t be dead by next week 🙂
Tom Stappers
September 25, 2009An impressive list, but when I took the time to click some of these links, I found very little of real interest and a lot of superficiallity. Lots of technical stuff too, and some nice pictures. Hardly anything about “serious photography” though, I’m sorry to say
October 6, 2009fantastic list.
Kay in t Veen
October 9, 2009This is some amazing blog list thanks man! it would actually be awesome if you could add my site to your list or next list for that matter
thanks man!
Robert Semeniuk
October 22, 2009Yoo,
check this blog called “Truth in Photography”
The latest entry is entitled:
Security, Cowboys, Irrational Fear Mongers, and Fanatics
Thank you for having a look.
Time Outdoors
October 27, 2009Awesome list.. wish I had been included, but maybe one day. Thanks again for taking the time to put the list together.
October 27, 2009Hey, you all might want to check out this great online auction that In-Sight photography project is doing. It’s a great organization that teaches kids about photography no matter their financial ability. Really cool: https://www.auction.insight-photography.org/
Anand Subramanian
December 2, 2009Hai friend this a exclusive list of photo blogs … I am also owning a picture blog thats mainly provides with the HQ photoshop edited and other cool wallpapers !! Friend i need my blog too in this exclusive list !! please add my blog to your blog lists !! Cheersss
Randy Hamilton
December 14, 2009Hey there, would love to reciprocate your link listed on mine if you felt so inclined to list mine on your list? It is pretty different and has been featured in many media outlets including CNN. Thanks and have a great holiday season!
Guy Phenix
December 15, 2009Hey ive got my own wee photo blog, just crappy photos with a wee line or two….check out http://www.sevenseven.tk for my proper work
Chris Nixon
February 12, 2010Nearly 2.5 years on and photografr.com still getting steady traffic from this post. Thanks very much Brian. I wan’t you to know it’s really appreciated.
March 4, 2010Great list with very interesting blogs, since there is quite a lot involved in photography, from buying the gear till printing the result!
Joseph Merrell
March 7, 2010Incredible collection of feeds. I’ll have to check them out. Thanks!
March 16, 2010Fantastic – this post is a great resource to find info about my favorite subject.
Thanks for posting this and everyone with there suggestions.
Mahmudur Rahman
March 21, 2010Wonderful list Brian. Great work. Thanks for sharing this awesome post. 🙂
May 8, 2010Awesome List it’s so great when people take the time to put something like this together, a real treat for all us photo lovers out here!
How do I get included on it?
I have a photo blog rss feed on my homepage.
I also have a really great multi directory and i encourage anyone to use it to promote themselves, there company, blog, poetry…just about anything can be added as far as content.
Check out http://www.allinclusivelinks.com
FREE Multi Directory!
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