Link Roundup 06-22-07
I do a lot of reading via feed aggregation and web surfing, and I typically submit the articles that I find interesting to the social bookmarking and networking sites. I'd like to start sharing some of those findings here on the blog too, so I'll try posting three to five links every once in a while.
- How It Works – Zoom Lenses @ TrustedReviews — Good basic lesson on how camera zoom lenses operate.
- The Ten Most Common Photographic Mistakes @ Andre Gunther Photography — Tips for improving your composition and photography techniques.
- Benefits Of Working With 16-Bit Images In Photoshop @ — There is a MAJOR difference between 8-bit images versus 16-bit images when it comes to photo editing. Find out why it's important to utilize those RAW files.
- Photograph Fireworks @ Nycgraphix BlogPhoto — Tips for shooting fireworks with a digital camera.
Andrew Ferguson
June 22, 2007Andrew Gunther’s article was a good read. I’m guilty of one or two of those from time to time :/
Brian Auer
June 22, 2007I think most of us are, but learning from our mistakes is what makes us better photographers.