A Great Guide, Some New Hardware And Software, The Bookshelf And Some Films, What You’ve Missed This Week In Photography

Photo by Nathan Anderson
Photo by Nathan Anderson

Today we'll talk about some cool stuff that got our attention last week.


Photography for Beginners

Photographer Touch has a great post on Photography for Beginners. If you are starting out, or need to refresh the basics of photography, then this is for you. It comprehensively covers everything from understanding your camera, composition guidelines and common mistakes beginners make. Photography for Beginners over at Photographer Touch is definitely worth your time.


The new storage solution for Photographers

Storage is getting more and more complex due to the huge amount of information generated each day. Last week we noticed that Drobo and Nexsan were nicely melting together as part of this less known company's portfolio called StorCentric.

Photoshop on the iPad

Many digital retouchers and photographers will be able to unleash all their creativity on the iPad. (well, not now, but still). A fully-featured Photoshop is coming to the iPad, but you won't be able to get your fingers on it until 2019. Nevertheless, you can sign-up to keep yourselves posted with the latest news about it. They promise to keep all the familiar desktop tools and workflows fully integrated. From blend modes, layers and resolution, everything about your PSD files will be kept just like if you were in a regular desktop environment.

Holga is alive and well

Restyling mobile photography, Holga Digital has made a pretty interesting comeback, now it brings us the Holga Printer. This retro-looking device will allow you print images directly from your phone, but without WiFi, without even batteries simply by using Fujifilm's Instax instant films. Even though these aren't state of the art prints, they are a great way of making your photography experience even broader.


The US Combat Cameraman

Since Robert Capa, the role of the war photographer has taken on an amazing mythology. NATO published an 89 seconds video depicting the work of Austin Boucher, the US Army Cameraman. He documents soldiers in peace and war, at rest and in combat. Earlier this year we knew that the US Navy was cutting down their photographer positions to save money. Even so, they are aware that the job of every Comcam is to be there to document history.

Philippe Halsman meeting Jean Cocteau

Last week Magnum Photos published an epic story of how the encounter between Philippe Halsman and Jean Cocteau went when they met for the first time. Halsman was a great portrait photographer and worked with the likes Dali and Clint Eastwood. This story is quite a delight to read if you are into Photography and Poetry.


Destination Europe

The European migrant crisis is a serious topic, and many photographers have been there to document the terrible drama of families escaping from violence in their hometowns. In this collection of photographs from Jason Florio, you can see the hectic reality of refugees on their way to reach a dreamed land in Europe.

This is a Small World

Click here to watch all the winners from the contest made for capturing the smallness we rarely see thanks to the Nikon Small World 2018 Award. Click here to watch the entire selection from the contest, they all look from outside of this world (there are even photographs of human neurons). It is extremely psychedelic.

The Final Appearance of the Giant Puppets

For 20 years, the Royal de Luxe theater company has presented their giant marionette show. But now they are moving on from the giants and planning something else for the next extravaganza. Click here to watch a collection of the final appearance of the iconic giant puppets.


Author: The Portraits of Beowulf Sheehan

Beowulf Sheehan is an American photographer known for photographing authors, artists, and other figures. He is considered to be his generation's foremost literary portrait photographer. His latest book is a great asset for people into portraits that have a different vibe in them. Also when purchasing it a portion of the proceeds will go to BookUp, a program of the National Book Foundation.


Refugee (2016)

Narrated by Cate Blanchett, Refugee is a short documentary film available at Netflix depicting five photographers approaching refugees in different ways. In the film, you'll see the work of Lynsey Addario, Omar Victor Diop, Graciela Iturbide, Martin Schoeller, and Tom Stoddart.


We love movies about photographers, even when they are fictional because we know that to some extent, they have developed their characters upon the idea of the photographer itself. This film is about a dying photographer who wishes to go to a small photo shop that is the last place that develops Kodachrome film and will stop developing Kodachrome in a few weeks. Well, it isn't all about that of course, there is a whole drama involved, but Kodachrome is the main player.