Link Roundup 02-28-2010
I'm thinking about doing these link posts a little differently, and I'm hoping that the change will benefit all three parties involved (this blog, the linked blogs, and the readers). Over at, we've been posting noteworthy links one at a time with additional commentary rather than just a list of links. The posts really don't take much time to put together, but they're so much more interesting than a big list as shown below.
So I'll probably give it a try here on Epic Edits for a week or two and see how it works out. What do you guys think? Good idea? Or would you prefer I keep it as a list post like this?
- Why ISO Is the New Megapixel
Gizmodo - Dynamic Range of Various Cameras
High Dynamic Range Imaging - Want More Photography Knowledge? Try These Free MIT Courses
Your Photo Tips - Warning, Graphic Content: Images From The Earthquake in Haiti - How to Plan, Show and Promote a Photography Exhibit
digital Photography School - War Photography, Meet Fashion Photography - Photoshop Alternatives: Gimp and Photoshop Elements
The Discerning Photographer - 20 Years of Adobe Photoshop & What A Celebration
JMG-Galleries - Killer Techniques for Shooting in Natural Light
Phototuts+ - Backing up your photos
Jessica S.
February 28, 2010I absolutely would love it if you posted fewer links at a time and explained them more. These lists are hard to read and it’s difficult to look at all the links at once, or even decide if it’s worth clicking on them.
March 1, 2010The FeelingNegative format is better, I agree. I’ve never warmed to linkdump-format posts myself.
Bryan Villarin
March 1, 2010It’s a coin flip for me. It puts pressure on the article writers to create a more compelling title.
I think Lifehacker takes it too far by explaining the majority of the article.
March 2, 2010I agree with Bryan. Although, my biggest concern with switching to the Feeling Negative format is that there would be less links to share, since it would take longer to write something up about each one. I look forward to these linkdump entries, because I’m usually able to find one or two things I haven’t yet read that I find interesting, and if there were less links, then obviously, the odds of finding something I’d like to read would go down.
But, I do agree, with the way it is here, with just the title of the link? It’s really hard to know if I actually want to click on it or not. And I don’t click on them all, so maybe I’m missing something I’d actually be interested in.
Antoine Khater
March 7, 2010I am a voter for the round-up approach, if you took the time to post a link in a round out then it did draw you attention. Making a dedicated post for it would mean you will have to “re-write” the summary etc… Kind of overkill to me