Stick a Fork In It

In case you haven't heard, Neil Creek is running a project right now called “Iron Chef Photography – Fork“. The whole idea is to take a photo of a simple object (a fork) and to make it interesting. The project is also a competition, and I'm one of three judges who will be reviewing the project entries. The deadline for the project is March 24th, so you still have a little bit of time to get your entries in to Neil.

The concept of the project is really inspiring — taking a common everyday object and making something interesting of it. As a judge, I can't participate in the competition portion of the project. I wanted to do my own shot just for the fun of it, but I'm preparing to take a short-notice trip this weekend and I have a ton of things to get in order.

Visit Neil's Project Update for more Forky Inspiration

So rather than show you my own project entry, I'll give you guys some extra inspiration from Flickr. Here are a few “forked up” photos from the web. Be inspired.

Broccoli, Fries, and Skies
Creative Commons License photo credit: Stuck in Customs

The Confounded Fork
Creative Commons License photo credit: drp

Creative Commons License photo credit: doozzle

Creative Commons License photo credit: steingro

Creative Commons License photo credit: doviende

Fun with Fork
Creative Commons License photo credit: StrudelMonkey

Shadow of fork
Creative Commons License photo credit: spideryan1