17 Inspirational Analog Photos
We're off to a good start with these Flickr Challenges… the first one was “Street” and the winner chose a new theme of “Analog”. I'm a sucker for film photos, so this one was particularly difficult for me to select the photos below (I wanted to pick a bunch more, but I'm trying to keep these things under 20 or 30 photos).
The favorite selection this week is from Rob LaRosa with his shot titled “Everything you need”. And as the winner, he gets to pick the theme for challenge #3.

Everything you need by Roaming Vegas
Rob has chosen the topic of “Vanishing Points” — so experiment with converging lines and leading the viewer's eye to a distant point in the background. Here's a video to help put things in perspective.
And don’t forget that your photos must also be in the Epic Edits Flickr Pool. Winner of the next round picks the next topic. I’ll post my selections in about a week or two.
Here are the remaining selections from Challenge #2:

The Reprimand by cliff2n

Untitled #30 by Peepin Pixel Piker Pepper

Misty tree by Sascha Schröder

Relocate, please by Bryan Villarin

Princeton Sheep by cliff2n

1 minute past high noon by topfloor

365.130 by i_shoot_minolta

Talk of the town by Roaming Vegas

Blue Houses by Bryan Davidson

Packed (229/366) by Bryan Villarin

Pig by Amberture

Untitled by jasesim

The vapors by pau.la

Pinhole Fábrica by Ana Pratas

Five Dollar Hustler by Eric Parks

Loch Raven by cliff2n