Baby & Me Boutique Winners!
First of all, a big thanks to Jill for offering up some great prizes from her shop! By the response we had with this contest, it was a big success.
Another big thanks goes out to all of you participants — I was so glad to see everybody posting photos and commenting about Jill's products. If you haven't seen the contest entries yet, go check out the comment section on the previous post.
I always have a hard time picking out winners for photo contests, but this one was considerably more difficult. All those cute babies and kids… so many deserving of a prize. But I could only choose one, and I chose this elegant little doll:

Congrats to Sharon for this great photo! Downright adorable.
And for the second prize, the raffle goes to Jane for leaving comment #39:
The cocoon & hat combo would be my choice of photography props. Iām just getting started as a baby photographer & would USE it & LOVE it!
So there it is — the winners have been sent off to Jill and she'll take care of them from here.
But wait… there's more!
Jill was so thrilled about the response for the contest, she's offering up a 10% discount just for the readers of Epic Edits. How cool is that? All you have to do is email Jill (via her Etsy shop or womenwhodoitall[at]gmail[dot]com) about the item(s) you want and mention Epic Edits sent you. Awesome — thanks Jill!
OJ Photography
May 14, 2010What a great photo! Very deserving of First place! Good job!
May 14, 2010OMG, Brian, I am so excited about this!!! Thank you so much. I finally won on my own photo merits! š (Re B&W eBook.)
You made my day…….my week…….my…….. I’m thrilled!
May 15, 2010Wheeeee! Thank you so much, Brian! It’s the FIRST time I’ve ever won anything and I’m still pinching myself!
I’m very new to EpicEdits but devour every one of them. Thanks for all you do.
So glad that Jill was highlighted, and I can’t wait to hear from her!
Jumpin’ up and down-Jane
May 15, 2010I was so excited that I neglected to say congrats to Sharon!
Thanks to all who shared their photos–I enjoyed seeing them all. Each is so unique and beautiful.
May 17, 2010Jane, I did the same thing……..I neglected to offer my congratulations to you as well. I feel the way way as you. This was my first win! It really does feel good, considering the percentages of bad to good photos I take on any given day. I kidded my boyfriend this past weekend, telling him that he’s now living with an award-winning photographer! ;P
I thought it was a very close contest. There were so many beautiful children whose photos were entered……I thought this was a lot of fun.
May 17, 2010Oh, and thank you to OJ Photography for the nice congrats……I just noticed it now!