Now Hiring: Ad Manager
I've been meaning to do this for a while, and I'm hoping some of you will be interested in helping out with the blog while earning some extra cash for yourself.
I've been running direct ad banners here on the site for a while, but all the spots have never been filled at the same time. I don't have the time or energy to keep on top of things, so I'm looking for somebody else to manage advertisers and ad banners. I'm hoping this will make the site more profitable while freeing up some time for me to focus more on creating content.
Here are the basics of what I'm looking for and what I'm offering in return.
- Manage direct advertising accounts for banner placement on Epic Edits. This includes communicating with advertisers and placing their banner orders and line items in Google Ad Manager. I will take care of invoicing and approving orders.
- Seek out new advertising partners relevant to photographers.
- Announce new partnerships with a short blog post.
- “Thank the Sponsors” once per month with a short blog post.
- Pay will be 30% commission via PayPal upon receipt of funds from advertiser. Willing to negotiate commission if justified with experience. You will also be free to price banners as you see fit.
- Must be able to communicate with prospective and current partners ( email address will be provided to do so).
- Some experience required — applicant should understand how direct advertising works and have a grasp of common terms used in communicating.
- Must know how to use Google Analytics.
- Working knowledge of Google Ad Manager will be a big plus. It's pretty simple, but it takes some time to learn it well.
- Basic knowledge of using WordPress to post short announcements, but I'll be proofing the posts before publishing them.
- Photography background, either as a personal hobby or as an ad manager for a photography website.
Upon hire, you'll be given an email address to work from, access to my Google Analytics stats, and access to my Google Ad Manager as a “salesperson”. I'll also give you the run down on how I've been pricing banners, the terms and conditions for advertisers, how the ads are sold, and previous advertiser contacts.
Once you get an advertiser that wants to partner with us, you can load up the orders, line items, and creatives. You'll notify me of the pending order, I'll send the invoice, approve the order once the invoice has been paid, and transfer you the commission. If this is a new partner, you'll need to run a quick post that welcomes them and describes their company/product/service.
It's all pretty basic, and if you have ideas on how to do things differently, I'm open to discussing it. Just remember, this is for direct ad sales — no ad networks, no AdSense, no affiliate programs, etc. I'm looking for one person to manage this whole thing and I would expect that it requires approximately 15 to 20 hours of your time per month.
If you're interested in this position, contact me with your experience and qualifications. I'll review the applicants as they come in, and I'll make a decision in about a week from now.
[UPDATE 01/25/2010] The spot has been filled — check it out.