Link Roundup 02-21-2009

Great things happening around the web this week — here are a few good ones.

  • It's The Lens, Baby!
    Most of us have heard of the LensBaby, but what exactly is it and what can you do with it? Here's a nice little overview of the system.
  • Build a Tilt-Shift Camera Lens for Peanuts
    One of the fancier lenses in the world of SLR and digital SLR (DSLR) photography is the tilt-shift lens. Learn how to build one and create stunning photographs with it.
  • Steady that Point ‘n’ Shoot
    Beyond Phototips
    Point and Shoot cameras are notoriously difficult to keep steady in low light situations. Here are a couple of tips that should help you steady your swaying forearms when taking these photographs.
  • Waterfall Digital Photography
    digital Photography School
    Waterfalls do present themselves as a wonderful and challenging subject matter to photographers. Here are a few tips for getting the most out of waterfall scenes.
  • Facebook’s Terms of Use: From Bad to Beyond Worse
    Over the course of the last week, Facebook updated their terms of use and created a lot of (negative) buzz around the web. Jim wrote a good article covering the topic from a photographer's standpoint.
  • Guide to matting, mounting and framing photographs
    Reyns Wim Photography
    For as little as most of us actually print our photos, there are probably even fewer who mat and frame them. Here's a nice DIY tutorial on the topic.
  • Thoughts from Zack Arias
    Photoshop Insider
    You have to watch this video. I don't care what level photographer you are, watch it. Then watch it again.
  • Photo Tip Video: Twist Your Grip
    Neil Creek
    Here's a nice little tip for improving the stability of your camera a low shutter speeds.
  • Edit My Photo project
    Phill Price
    Phill is running a cool project that requires you to edit one of his unprocessed photos. These are always fun, so don't miss out!
  • Blog Project: View from Your Studio
    Latoga Photography
    Here's another project open to everyone. This project requires you to take a picture or set of pictures describing “the view from your studio”.