Link Roundup 12-27-2008
Well, the year is winding down… but photography is still happening on the Internet! Here are some links from the week.
- 10 Signs you got GAS (Gear Acquisition Syndrome)
It happens to every photographer at some point in their journey… they get GAS. Here is a list of symptoms to check if you think you might have GAS. - Lightroom Tip: Backing Up Huge Lightroom Files
For you Lightroom users, you may want to consider using XMP files rather than the catalog for certain things — here's the good and bad of doing that. - Dodge and Burn with Curves
These are the kinds of Photoshop edits I like: quick, easy, flexible, and non-destructible. - My Workflow | Part 1: GeoTagging
My Workflow | Part 2: The Import
My Workflow | Part 3: First Sweep and Smart Collections
Phill Price Photography
I love checking out the workflow from other photographers — it usually gives me some good ideas to incorporate into my own workflow. In this series, Phill Price goes through a couple of his initial steps (and he's got more coming). - 8 Tips For Capturing Family Gathering Candids
digital Photography School
Christmas is over this year, but there are plenty of holidays to come. Here are some great tips for capturing the holiday moments. - Improve your photography in a year
All Narfed Up
Some good tips and advice coming from an friend of mine who has grown leaps and bounds over the last year. - The Year 2008 in Photographs
The Big Picture
A great collection of photos taken during the last year. Some “good”, some “bad”, all real. - Thailand Tsunami Then and Now Comparison Series
A stunning display of imagery from the Thailand Tsunami disaster. Zoriah travels back to the areas hit by the tsunami to take photos of the same scenes he photographed immediately after the event.
December 27, 2008That Photographs of the Year 2008 article is just a copy-and-paste job from The Big Picture.
Brian Auer
December 27, 2008Thanks Richard — I changed out the link.
Phill Price
December 28, 2008Hi Brian,
Thanks for this! It’s nice to see someone’s reading them. They’ll last up to the 31st, 7 posts in all. Today has Presets and processing, tomorrow is additional metadata, then it’s tehe export and upload; finally its the backup stuff on Wednesday 🙂
Hope all the Auer’s are having a good break!