5-Day Reminder for the $50 Camera Project
The $50 Film Camera project will be coming to a close at the end of this week — the deadline is September 12. Currently, we have over 40 entries and I expect that we'll pass the 50 camera mark within a day or two. So if you were thinking about participating in this project, now is the time to get ‘er done! Remember, we've got 3 Diana+ cameras and 30 rolls of film up for grabs. I'm hoping to have the results of the project posted early next week.
September 8, 2008I’m working on it! I think I got myself into too many fun little film cameras with this one. LOL!
September 8, 2008Ack! There is no way I’ll make this deadline, but I look forward to reading everyone’s reviews.
the_wolf_brigade's GAS is incurable
September 8, 2008Wow! That’s awesome! I can’t wait to read the reviews.
September 11, 2008The deadline is the 12th, does that mean the 12th is the last day to submit, or will submission be closed after the 11th?
Brian Auer
September 11, 2008That means the 12th is the last day to submit. I’ll actually leave the form up for a few hours past that. But once you see the form disappear you’ll know it’s closed.
the_wolf_brigade's GAS is incurable
September 14, 2008I’m curious as to whether you had a specific date in mind for releasing the judges results? And providing links to everyone else’s reviews? I’ve tried to find and read everybodys so far, but of course I’m wondering whether I’m in with a chance 😀
Brian Auer
September 14, 2008No specific date — but I’m shooting for early this week. It’s just a matter of the judges going through all the entries and me finishing off the write-up. It’ll be soon, and the first two winners will be announced with the final results.