Link Roundup 09-06-2008

  • September Challenge
    It's still not to late to join in the September Challenge. Each week will be a different type of portrait to shoot.
  • 5 Useful Upgrades In Photoshop Lightroom 2.0
    digital Photography School
    If you haven't upgraded to Lightroom 2.0 yet, here are five good reasons to do so. This latest release has a lot to offer, and it has a lot of photographers talking about it.
  • debate 2008: digital vs. film quality
    Pro Photo Life
    Our pal Jim Talkington got himself into a whole lot of extra work when he compared a film and digital photo of the same scene. All the film gurus came out of the woodwork and Jim plans to redo his experiment with their suggestions. I'm looking forward to this…
  • Breaking the Rules of Photography
    Beyond Megapixels
    It's good to know the “rules” of photography. But sometimes it's best to break those rules.
  • The Mysterious Model Release Demystified
    Want to learn more about model releases? This articles covers everything from why to when you need on and what a good model release should include.
  • Composing an Action Sequence Shot
    A good little tutorial for composite processing action sequence shots.
  • Are the Masses Unhappy With Adobe?
    Jeff comes across a neat website where Adobe users complain about the products. In this post, he recaps the top 10 complaints for Photoshop and Lightroom.