Lightroom 2 is Out… yay…

In case you were sleeping under a rock in the middle of the desert today, I just wanted to let you know that Adobe Lightroom 2 is officially released. I personally don't use Lightroom because I can't justify the extra cost for the minor advantages that it has over Bridge/ACR/Photoshop. I'm not downplaying the fact that it's probably a great piece of software, I'm just saying it's not for me. I guess I'll just have to slum it with Photoshop CS4 and ACR 5 for now (and that's about all I can say on that topic).

But, by all means, if you're a Lightroom user or if you're interested in Lightroom — check out some of these links I ran across today. A few news pieces, some feature overviews, and even a video.

Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Product Page
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 2 Press Release
The 10 Best Things About the New Adobe Lightroom 2.0
Lightroom 2.0 Video Overview
Lightroom 2 is here!