Link Roundup 03-08-2008

More great stuff this week from the World Wide Web! As always, I'm constantly amazed with the things people are publishing on a daily basis. Here's what caught my attention this week.

  • Cody Redmon – Photoblog
    New Photoblog!
    Great new photoblog from a friend and a fellow fine art photographer, Cody Redmon.
  • Photoshop Disasters
    New Photoshop/Humor Blog!
    I think I found my new favorite Photoshop blog.
  • How to Shoot (Photographs) Like A Terrorist
    Lightchasers Photography
    Want to be a famous photographer? Try these 4 ways to get yourself harassed by authorities, then blog about your experiences – somebody is bound to tell your tale.
  • Chiodos concert at The Glass House
    All Narfed Up
    Some hands-on concert photography lessons (and photos) from my buddy Bryan Villarin. I haven't tried the concert thing yet, but it seems like quite a challenge.
  • The Strangest Accessories for your Camera
    Crazy stuff for your camera that most of us will probably never buy or use.
  • Getting those portraits right, once and for all
    Some interesting pose-related tips for taking better portraits.
  • 5 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Tripping The Shutter
    digital Photography School
    Five of the most essential questions you should be asking yourself while taking photos. My personal favorite… focal length and positioning.