February Challenge: Day 7 – MAG 30

Section of my downhill mountain bike with a focus on the yellow rim and tire logos. The bike is an older Cannondale Super V 4000. In it's hayday, it was the bike used by professional racers — and even by today's standards, it's not half bad.
This is my baby (the one that's not a camera). She's a little rough around the edges, but I love her anyways. It breaks my heart that I've been too busy to get out and ride over the last several years. From about the age of 17 to 20 I was riding every week and racing full seasons. Since then, I've been tapering off to not much riding at all.
Downhill mountain biking/racing was my main hobby until I found photography. Since that time, I've been riding less often and shooting more often. One of my main goals for this summer is to get back up on the mountain a handful of times and put some time on the saddle… I didn't even ride it this last summer.
To see the rest of my February Challenge photos, check the “Challenge” category here on the blog or visit my Flickr Set.
Pawel Wojciechowski
February 9, 2008I see you have the same goal as I have. My bike wasn’t too busy last year. Couple years ago I’ve been riding almost every day but then work came and about year ago I had quite serious knee injury. This year as soon as spring will came I will jump on my bike and rebiuld my condition. Good luck and happy riding 🙂