Birthday Gift #4 – My First Photobook
If you thought one photo was a fun idea for a birthday present, then how about 25!? Prior to Christmas, I put together a photo book of my favorite photos and sent a few of them out to my family for the holidays. I had six books printed, and I shipped two of them to myself. I'm keeping one on my bookshelf, and the other one will be shipped off to one of you!
So like I said, this book is one of only six in existence (and I probably won't be printing anymore). Not only that, but it will be the ONLY signed copy of the book out there — nobody else got the signed version.
Granted, the print quality is not quite at the level of the art print from yesterday, but it's honestly not bad. I bought the book through Shutterfly, and I was pretty impressed with the overall ease of use, pricing, speed to fill the order, and the very decent quality of the book that arrived.
The book is 8-1/2″ by 11″ and you can see a preview of the contents in the embedded Quicktime movie above (feed readers will probably need to visit the site to see it). You can see that they have several options for layouts, and I didn't even use a fraction of them. These books are a pretty neat way to gather up a group of your photos and put them all in one place.
If you want in on this one for the raffle, leave a comment on this post with the phrase “PHOTO BOOK” in the comment somewhere. And don’t forget that every comment you make for the entire month of January (on any post) will count as a raffle entry for this and the other giveaways.
Also, check the main Birthday Party page to see all of the prizes being offered.
January 16, 2008Sorry, I can’t see it. I uninstalled QuickTime a while ago, since it caused issues with other applications on my computer. It’s rare these days that I visit any site where QuickTime is required.
Would love to get a copy of the “PHOTO BOOK”. I created a photo book for my son’s sports team through Blurb. The parents, and the team members loved it!
January 16, 2008I would really love a copy of the PHOTO BOOK! You have some great images!
January 16, 2008C’mon let me have this special PHOTO BOOK by Brian 😉
javi yanes
January 16, 2008Yesss i need this PHOTO BOOK….
January 16, 2008PHOTO BOOK. Very nice collection of photos you have there.
January 16, 2008I would really appreciate a PHOTO BOOK on my currently naked coffee table.
Bryan Villarin
January 16, 2008I. Want. PHOTO BOOK. The pages look really good in QuickTime…imagine how much more in real life! 🙂
Phill Price
January 16, 2008Wow my very own Brian Auer PHOTO BOOK how awesome would that be. What could day 5 be a kidney?
January 16, 2008A limited edition Brian Auer PHOTO BOOK would be a great addition to the coffee table! Congrats on the year, I’m disappointed that I only recently started reading this site.
January 16, 2008I would love to have a photobook. Could you sign it too?
Daniel Hellerman
January 16, 2008PHotobook! An other excellent Idea to give away. I am trying to find something I can offer in one of your give aways as well.
January 16, 2008A PHOTO BOOK would definitely be a great way to remind myself on a constant basis how much you and your online presence has helped my photographic abilities over the past year (or thereabouts) that I’ve known you. I love looking at PHOTO BOOKs anyway, so to have a signed one from you would seriously mean a great deal.
Guess I have to get on to making some more comments right? 😀
Alvaro Lopez
January 16, 2008Glad to hear about the quality of the photo book from Shutterfly. I’ve been thinking of creating something similar myself. Were there several print quality’s available or more of a one size fits all?
Howard Grill
January 16, 2008PHOTO BOOK. I had been thinking of one of these myself. I am curious, how close did the print in the book come to the prints you had made by yourself?
Brian Auer
January 16, 2008The prints in the book are pretty close in color — no easily distinguishable differences. The pages are pretty heavy, but not as stiff and thick as good photo paper. And the gloss is less than that of the prints from ImageKind — probably somewhere between a matte and a gloss… I guess you could call it a semi-gloss.
Carlos Manta Oliveira
January 16, 2008What? A “PHOTO BOOK” was a raffle giveway? What a great idea!
January 16, 2008PHOTO BOOK please…….
January 16, 2008I want the book, please? But I am in HK…
Brian Auer
January 16, 2008It’s no problem, this one’s open to everyone. I’ll take my chances with you overseas folks. 😉
January 17, 2008Been reading your blog for a long time, hardly left comments though. I would love to have copy of these great pictures in form of a PHOTO BOOK. Keep up the good work. All the best.
Homme de Chevre
January 17, 2008A Brian Auer PHOTO BOOK would be so cool to have!
I was thinking about getting one made up using – anyone had any experience with them?
January 17, 2008Ok, this is also good one. PHOTO BOOK
January 17, 2008@Homme de Chevre
I haven’t used blurb, but I can definitely recommend Snapfish – great quality and reasonable pricing.
January 17, 2008Cool. I’ve just recently discovered your blog and now I’m tuned in daily. I’ve been outta town and am just now catching back up. The PHOTO BOOK sounds cool. But seriously, aside from the entry – thanks for doing this whole thing. I really enjoy it!
Isaak Kwok
January 17, 2008Whoa!! That’s a wonderfully produced PHOTO BOOK. I wouldn’t mind a copy. The photos in them look wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
January 17, 2008I would love to have a Brian Auer PHOTO BOOK
January 18, 2008Wow! it would be great to have the photobook!
I found your blog some time ago and it’s a great inspiration.
You’re a very talented artist and I really admire your work!
Thanks for the opportunity to ge the book!
January 18, 2008Another smart idea as a prize 🙂 – I still go for your fine art print.
kRiZ cPEc
January 20, 2008Great! I want to lay my hands on it.
January 20, 2008Your PHOTO BOOK looks great!
January 21, 2008What a great idea! Photo book!
Adam Parker
February 7, 2008Excellent photo book. Great pictures. It looks like the quality was pretty good and the colors look very vibrant. I’ve done single prints through shutterfly, but never a book.
I tried blurb and got very good results. I was able to make a 13″x11″ that had 138 pages of shots from a trip I took. I think I would use them again, but I’ll have to look at shutterfly after seeing yours.
Here’s the blurb results, no quicktime movie though 🙁