December Challenge: Day 16 – Bailey Auer

Bailey is a real character — some would even say drama queen. She's 100% girly-girl and she's got the attitude to back it up. Some of her favorite things include stuffed animals, dolls, Care Bears, playing dress-up, and making imaginary food for everybody in her little play-kitchen. The funniest thing about Bailey is that she adores flowers and she can't help but pick every one she comes across. When we're outside, she's got a flower in her hand.
Bailey is also the biggest klutz I've ever met. If there's any chance of an opportunity to hurt herself or break something, she'll do it. We're at the point now where it's almost funny just due to the frequency of events. Despite her clumsiness and her 3-year-old attitude, you can't help but get pulled in by those big blue eyes of hers.
To see the rest of my December Challenge photos, check the “Challenge” category here on the blog or visit my Flickr Set.
Trevor Carpenter
December 16, 2007Beautiful portrait! She also clearly is willing to model/pose for the camera.
Brian Auer
December 16, 2007She loves the camera — she’ll sit there and model all day long.
Antoine Khater
December 17, 2007Brian I won’t say she is a doll she is MUCH more than this her eyes are SO expressive WOW !!!
What a great name too, is that common in US ? My daughter’s name is Arwen and she is the only one with this name in Lebanon 🙂
Brian Auer
December 17, 2007Thanks Antoine! Her name isn’t too common here in the US, but it’s not unheard of. I’ve never run across another Bailey, but I know they’re out there.
December 18, 2007Thos eyes are fantastic, first thing everyone will see when looking at the picture! Looks like the picture does quite good at flickr too, I saw it in the interestigness pages…