December Challenge: Day 3 – Mark Stabb

Mark Stabb is the co-founder and President of Quartus Engineering Incorporated, which is where I spend my time during the day as an engineer. Mark has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Applied Math and Physics, a Master of Science Degree in Engineering Mechanics, and a Doctorate of Philosophy in Engineering Mechanics (all from the University of Wisconson – Madison), and he's a Certified Professional Engineer.
To see the rest of my December Challenge photos, check the “Challenge” category here on the blog or visit my Flickr Set.
Trevor Carpenter
December 3, 2007Brian, this is one professional looking headshot. Mark should be purchasing this and having you shoot the entire firm!
Brian Auer
December 3, 2007LOL, I plan on shooting the rest of the management team anyways — then they can update their profile pics on the website. I’ve got about 2 or 3 other shots of Mark that I’ll be working on tonight and bringing in for him tomorrow.
I was actually really nervous to ask him about taking his photo, but Mark is such a cool guy — he’s like “Sure! Go for it!” I was nervous too about how the photos would turn out. I didn’t want to have all bad shots and look like a moron in front of the boss-man. But after getting the shots on the computer and saw that I had a few good ones, my fears subsided. This one was a pretty big confidence booster for me.
Bryan Villarin
December 4, 2007Great idea about doing this at work!
Our staff has photos on our server at work and from what I head, most of them don’t like their photos.
The dilema: The 20 days I’m not at work (since I’m a part-timer)…
Brian Auer
December 4, 2007Well, this is about the only way I’ll be able to pull off all 31 days — it’s dark by the time I’m off work so I can’t really get out and take shots at that point. The cool thing is, I’m actually working at two different places because I’m providing on-site engineering support for another company up in Carlsbad for 20hrs/week. So I’ve got two sets of co-workers that I can bother with my camera.
Graham R
December 4, 2007Nice executive portrait – and wow does it ever blow the current ones away!