What’s Your LEAST Favorite Weekly Topic?

It's been about 2 months since I posted my thoughts on Time Management For Bloggers and Photographers, and in that post I laid out my blogging schedule. I think I've been able to stick to it pretty good, and I think it's time I evaluated what's important to you. This week's poll is aimed to find out what's most important and what's least important on this blog.
If there was one thing you could do without, what would it be? I'm not saying that I'm going to quit doing any of the weekly topics, but it would be nice to know what's low on the list. Whatever the result, it could either indicate that I need to spend more time on that topic (meaning I need to do a better job), or less time on that topic (meaning it's just not a topic worth reading).
And if there was one thing you could have more of, what would it be? If there's a topic that really stands out from the rest, maybe I would consider bumping up the frequency to 2 or 3 times per week rather than once per week — or possibly just spending more time on that topic to make it even better.
Really, don't be shy about voting — I couldn't tell you who voted for what if my life depended on it. And leave me some comments; you're not going to hurt my feelings with constructive feedback. Also, if there's anything new that you'd like to see in the weekly topics, let me know in the comments or via email.
Jim Goldstein
October 31, 2007Personally I found it hard to pick something I’d want less of. It pained me to put the Reader Poll. The variety of content you have on your blog has really helped cultivate a broad and expandng audience. I like the polls but it was a toss up between that and the Link Round Up.
Brian Auer
October 31, 2007Yeah, the reader polls have been more for my benefit than anything. They help me understand who I’m talking to, but they don’t provide a whole lot of fun and excitement for the readers I’m sure.
Link roundups can definitely be a little dry. It seems like everybody and their brother does them — especially on the weekends. I recently started adding photography videos in order to make them a little more interesting. I’m curious to know if anybody is liking the video portion of it.
October 31, 2007I chose for the reader poll, not because I would like to see it gone, just because for the reader it’s the least interesting. That said I do like the fact that there’s always a certain level of interaction possible by adding your own options to the poll.
About the video: I clicked them when they were there, but I guess it’s just a matter of taste if I tell ou I didn’t enjoy them that much. Besides, the last video was gone before I could watch it.
One final note: I look at your site every day, I wouldn’t mind seeing even more of everything, but I understand that would be impossible for you alone. So basically I can say: keep up the good work!
Brian Auer
October 31, 2007Thanks for your comments LiBeCo. I wouldn’t mind being able to provide more of everything, but there’s always that time constraint thing. One of these days I’d like to have the opportunity to spend more time with the blog and with my photography, but that day hasn’t come yet.
October 31, 2007I really like the reader polls. They allow me to see where I stand amongst your readers as well as giving me insight into different areas that others will be interested in.
I chose the link roundup as my least favorite. I skim over it typically (just to make sure I didn’t miss anything).
Chris Lodge
October 31, 2007Without wishing to sound sycophantic, there’s nothing I’d like to see less of, as they’re all either enjoyable, informative or both.
As a new DSLR user, and very new user of photo manipulation I can’t get enough tips & tutorials at the moment, especially from someone like yourself who understands we aren’t all experts.
I have so many n00b questions……..
Brian Auer
October 31, 2007Dawn, I usually skim over roundups from other sites too. I think a lot of us frequent the same blogs, but there are always new people who haven’t been introduced to the locals yet. Plus, I figure it’s a nice way to let the other bloggers know that I think highly of their offerings.
Brian Auer
October 31, 2007Thanks Chris, I’m really glad that so many people are enjoying the content.
When it comes to the tips and tutorials, it’s nice to hear that the level of complexity is on par. You guys are actually a pretty savvy group of photographers. If you think about the overall photographic community, a majority of you are well past the introductory stage.
As for your questions, don’t hesitate to ask either through comments or email. Chances are if you have a question, there are a lot of other people with the same question. If it’s a quick-answer question, that’s what the Quick Tips are for. If it’s an in-depth question, that’s what the Featured Articles are for. So ask away.
October 31, 2007While I voted the “Quick Tip” as least favourite, it’s more because I don’t do a whole lot of post processing. So while I still read it, it’s not something that hugely applies to me since I shoot more film than digital. (But I still appreciate it as I often learn stuff that I can apply to my film post processing.)
As for what I’d like more of, I voted for the Photodump. One a week is quite enough but I wanted to express my interest in my most favourite part of the weekly line up. While I’ve often fav’d similar photographers and images to you, there are always ones I haven’t seen and it’s this list of talent that keeps inspiring me from week to week. Often it almost takes me a couple of days to fully explore the artists you post in the photodump.
Brian Auer
October 31, 2007Hopefully the new Flickr group will give you even more photos and artists to explore. I’m seeing quite a few new “faces” joining the group, so I’m excited to check out their work.