Quick Updates

First, I apologize to anybody that had issues getting through to the site earlier — Digg overpowered my server and my host took the site offline. Apparently, my “Five Fantastic Flickr Photographers” were just too fantastic. Things are patched up for the time being, but I'll be working on providing a permanent fix.

Also, I had planned on showing the results from the “Edit My Photo Project” right about now, but I'm postponing the final results until next week. I don't want the site to get shut down again after I post the project results — the participants deserve full uninterrupted attention. This project has potential to see some significant traffic, because (in my mind) the results are truly remarkable. I hate having to hold it back, but I think it's the best thing to do at the moment. I'll also be taking further entries until next Monday (10/15), for anybody that still wants in on it.

And to leave you with a little something, take a look at this video. It's been around for over a year, but it's pretty good. The photography in it is great, and the message is strong.