Epic Edits Weblog Site Updates

Totally not photography related, but I felt the need to share. I've made quite a few little changes on this website, and I just wanted to point some things out for any new arrivals (and for those who read the feed without coming to the site too often).

I haven't changed the overall design in quite a while, but I'm constantly updating the sidebars and the way certain pages operate. I've really tried to start the process of simplification on the site, so nearly 100% of what I show in sidebars or other pages I find to be relevant to photography in general. Most noticeably, the sidebars lost a little weight and clutter.


The “Info Center” will get you what you need. Most notably are the new email subscriptions.

The “Weekly Poll” and “Current Project” spots speak for themselves. Do note that I've added a running entries page for projects.

The “Del.icio.us Reads” are straight from my bookmarked list of useful photography articles.

I've moved my blogroll and favorite photographers to a separate page.

The “Top Commentators” list shows who has the most comments in the last 15 days — so you have to keep on top of things to stay on it. These are real links, by the way, so it's an easy way to get a link from me.


Not much has changed here — I still display 5 full articles on the main page, and I still offer full feeds.

Something to note about article comments… I've removed the “nofollow” tag from the links. It's been this way for a while, but that's another way to get real links to your sites. Do keep in mind that I keep an eye on every comment that comes through. If I see somebody leaving a lot of useless two-word comments, I'll delete them. I haven't had to yet, but don't try me.


Without getting into too much detail, there have been a few little updates and changes here and there. My best advice is to come to the site and click around until you get a feel for what's here.

Also, I finally added a cache plugin to help battle traffic waves from places like StumbleUpon and Digg. My host has shut the site down a couple of times in the past, but we managed to make it through over 8000 pageloads in less than 24 hours the last time StumbleUpon made a presence. The cache plugin shouldn't make any difference to the site functionality; it really should speed up pageloads if anything.


I'm planning on upgrading WordPress sometime in the near future, so things might be a little wacky for a couple hours when that happens. I might also spring for a completely new layout, so if you come here and see a totally different site, don't leave — it's still me.