April Roundup
Once again, I meant to do this right at the turn of the month, but it fell through the cracks. With my first blog project complete, there may be a few new visitors, so here are some of my more interesting posts from the month of April.
- Indoor Macro Photography Project For Rainy Days: Setup your own indoor macro studio, complete with back-lighting.
- The Anatomy of a Camera Lens: Find out how they're made and what they're made of.
- Book Review: Complete Digital Photography: It's only the greatest photography book ever.
- How to Make a Color Infrared Photo: Neat little Photoshop trick to give your old photos a new chance at life.
- The Evolution of My Photography Gear: Take a look at the path I've taken into photography.
- Working With Histograms: Gain an understanding of how to read (and use) a histogram.
- Advanced Layer Mask Creation in Photoshop: A trick for creating masks from the photos themselves.
- The New Rule of Thirds: Seriously folks, if you're not already on board it's too late
- The Ten Commandments of Photography: My thoughts on the most important philosophies as a photographer.
- Who Qualifies as a Photographer?: My thoughts on what makes somebody a photographer.