Photography Business: Marketing
In my post titled Build a Photography Business in 24 Hours, I mentioned that I would expand on each piece of the puzzle for creating your own business. I’m using my recent experience with setting up Auer PhotoWorks as the basis for this guide. Here are all the pieces of the business-puzzle I talked about (with the * items being optional):
- Photographs
- Gallery Software
- Hosting Company
- Domain Name
- Trade Name
- Bank
- $500
- * Merchant Account
- * Accounting
- * Marketing
This post will focus on steps 3 of the optional items: Marketing. I left this one for last because once you get started on marketing, it may snowball into an obsession — very addicting. It's also the broadest of all the topics I've listed, so what I provide you will only be a small piece of the big picture.
So we've got our photo gallery up on the web, fully operational and ready to do business. Within days the orders will be rolling in, cash flying into your account, and people all over the world admiring your work — then you wake up. The truth of online business is that it typically isn't a speedy process when you start from scratch. It can take years before you get enough traffic to generate profits… if you survive that long. I'm not trying to dissuade anybody from starting up their own thing on the Internet, but don't expect to put up a website and just wait for customers to walk in and make you rich. There are millions sites out there, and everybody's competing for traffic.
Marketing is important for an online business, and without it you'll go virtually unnoticed. Lucky for us, online marketing is not completely difficult (at least on the surface), and there are a number of resources at our disposal. I'm not a professional marketer, nor do I pretend to be, but I'll break it down for you the best I can. I'm going to break down marketing into four distinct groups that I use or have used: Search Engine Marketing (SEM), Social Media Marketing (SMM), Paid Advertising, and Blog Marketing (I think I either just made this term up, or misused it… oh well). If you're a marketing pro, just go with me on this and hold your tongue until you finish reading the ENTIRE post.
SEARCH ENGINE MARKETING, in my mind, is just like it sounds. Marketing through search engines. Everybody uses search engines to find what they're looking for. The trick is to make the search engine display your site when people search for something you offer (photos). Ideally, you'd like the search engine to direct people to your site when they search for a certain type of photo or artwork. There's a whole industry around Search Engine Marketing and Search Engine Optimization, so I can't even begin to tell you how to do it. My advice is to find some good resources on the subject and start doing your homework (starter resources at end of post). This side of marketing is generally sluggish to provide results in the short run, but can really prove worthy in the long haul.
SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING has to do with the social interactions online. You may have heard of sites like Digg,, Stumble!, Twitter, etc. The list goes on and on. These are great ways to get other people to do your marketing for you — if you have good stuff. Another side to social media are things like forums and discussion groups. Become active with a group of people who have the same interests as you (and your photography business) and make friends with them. Usually you can't blatantly promote your business, but a little link in your signature is generally accepted. Social media marketing is usually a bit snappier than SEM, but it requires much more work on your part to be active in some type of community.
PAID ADVERTISING can produce immediate results, but it costs money. Traditional online ads, offline ads, and pay-per-click ads can all drive tons of traffic to your site — it just depends on how deep your pockets are. Things like Google's AdWords (pay-per-click) can give you a good idea of how to target your customers and you can expect results immediately. These are good tools to start things off with, but you don't want to rely on them forever.
BLOG MARKETING is sort of like social media marketing, except you become the center of the community. Search engines love blogs because of the fresh content and site structure. People love to read blogs, again, because of the fresh content and good site structure. Blogs take a few months to gain any steam, but once you get traffic, you basically have the ability to direct Internet traffic wherever you point to. If your photography is very theme oriented, start a blog about that theme and showcase some of your work. This method of marketing takes extra time and effort on your part, but the long-term gains can be rewarding.
As you start to do more research on marketing, you'll find that there are many more ways to promote yourself and your business. My suggestion: start with the blogs I've listed below and subscribe to their feeds in your favorite feed reader. It's like watching the news, but it's highly targeted subject matter coming from many different sources. If you don't like some of them, unsubscribe. If you find other resources you like, subscribe. It's that easy. So here are a few starters, in no particular order:
- Entrepreneur's Journey – Internet business and entrepreneurship.
- Online Marketing Blog – Social media, search marketing, and public relations.
- Web Strategy by Jeremiah – Connecting to customers using web tools.
- Daily Blog Tips – Blogging tips and strategies… daily.
- 10e20 – Search marketing, social marketing, and design tips.
- Copyblogger – Copy writing tips for online business.
- Inside Adwords – Pay-Per-Click marketing tips.
- SEO Book – Search engine optimization tips.
- TechCrunch – Review of new Internet products and companies.
- The Candid Internet Marketer – Tips for growing your Internet business.
- Elixir Systems – Insights into search for business.
- Blog About Money Online – A blog… about money… online.
- Search Engine Land – Search engine marketing.
- Search Engine Roundtable – Search engine marketing.
So that concludes my mini-series on how to start a photography business in 24 hours. I hope you found at least some part of it useful, and if you're working on starting up your own gallery — good luck to you!
Photo of the Day…
Photo by Brian Auer
06/26/06 New York, NY
Boat against foggy Manhattan background
Konica Minolta Maxxum 7D
Konica Minolta AF DT 18-200
300mm equiv * f/8 * 1/200s * ISO100
Scott Hughes
March 28, 2007I never thought of starting a photography-focused internet business, but you’re advice seems point on. At the very least, I’ll share those tips with others. Thanks!
Brian Auer
March 28, 2007Scott, I’m glad you liked it. I took a look at your blog, and I’ve added your feed to my reader. You’ve got some great content there.
Liz Barton
March 29, 2007interesting article regarding Photography Business Marketing which has lot of scope in the internet based marketing.similar…..internet marketing
Charles Knight
March 29, 2007Excellent article, thanks!
Brian Auer
March 31, 2007Thanks Chris, I’m a sucker for a good resource. Thanks for the compliments on the photo too — it’s one of my favorites.
Chris Winfield
March 31, 2007Hi Brian –
Great article and amazing picture at the end. Thanks for including 10e20 in your list of blogs as well – I am really glad you enjoy it.
Howard Grill
May 21, 2007Hi Brian…I just discovered your blog through You have some really nice material here. I will be reading regularly!
Brian Auer
May 21, 2007That’s funny, I found your blog earlier today through photographyVoter — and I subscribed. Thanks for stopping by, I’ll see you around.
May 22, 2007Briam,
Great series of articles – very well put together.
May 22, 2007Hi Brian, found this from photographyvoter and would just like to say I know exactly what you mean! I launched my photo website back in december and it is really hard to generate traffic, and I find myself getting sucked into the crazy world of SEO on a daily basis. I guess you could say it’s a new hobby! Things are picking up though, and I do believe if you keep at it things will work out in the end.
Brian Auer
May 22, 2007I agree with your last statement, Jas. Traffic happens on the web, just not overnight. Many people don’t understand this and get discouraged quickly. I told myself I’d stick it out for at least two years before giving up on it.
The Dino
July 8, 2007I need the marketing right now.
However, do you think that I can just turn my oroginaly personal page into the shop that it will work? Since I have there pictures which are just documentary. but this is top pics.
SEO Article Scribe
August 12, 2008I learn something new every time I visit. Thanks for the great post.
Lee Roper
November 4, 2008I have a DSLR and enjoy taking photos as a hobby, I have been considering including some of my armature photos on my business website. Demonstrating I have an eye for taking photos and making things look their best will hopefully be a positive and useful point to convey to potential customers. Not that I would want to be taking product pictures for peoples websites, just that I understand how to capture and promote things in their best light.